Joe's Gomila Boutique Hotel Contact

Contact us if you have any queries or you want more information about the hotel and its facilities. We will be delighted to be able to answer your questions through our form, by calling us, through our social networks or by direct contact using our email address.

Joe's Gomila Boutique Hotel Form

Type of query

By contacting us you agree to Joe's Boutique Hotel processing your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We collect it to answer your enquiry. We will not share your data with third parties, unless legally obliged to do so. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition, among others, according to our Privacy Policy

Compulsory fields

View address


Carrer dels Germans Schembri, 2

07014 Palma, Illes Balears


GPS coordinates

Latitude: 39.56290345819087

Longitude: 2.625862140090381

Social networks

How to get to Joe's Gomila Boutique Hotel


It will take you just 15 minutes to reach the hotel from Palma de Mallorca airport. You can make the journey by bus, taxi, or by hiring your own vehicle.


Rent a car services are available at Palma airport so you can hire your own car. There are various places to park in the immediate vicinity of the hotel which are suitable for all types of vehicles.


On arrival at Palma airport, you will be able to find a taxi rank where a taxi will be able to bring you to our hotel. You will only need to provide them with the address to reach Joe’s Gomila Boutique Hotel.


We have several bus stops near to our hotel. The closest bus lines to Joe’s Gomila Boutique Hotel are as follows: EMT bus numbers 1, 4, 20 and 47 .